Monday, December 8, 2014

A true friend has left this earth today.

A true friend has left this earth today.

Hello everyone. 
It is with great sadness that I write today letting everyone know Sam has crossed the bridge.  She passed peacefully early this AM.  She is now frapping freely in the grass, chasing rabbits and tennis balls.  Eating full bowls of food to fill up her chubby belly.   Bossing around her sister and herding her around the yard.  Soaking up the sun just sitting in the yard keep a watchful eye on what I am doing.  Sam never left my side, ever.  A true friend.  We were blessed to be graced with her love for 7 years and 9 months.  Far, far to short for a Corgi.  Sam always enjoyed rides in the car.  She loved to sleep on my lap, peacefully while driving. 

Sam was diagnosed with Lymphoma in March 2014.  Before that she became septic in 2011, due to bowel complications.  Recently she had begun to have seizures.  We were never fully able to get them under control, and she had finally had enough.  Through it all, Sam remained so very tough.  She would always bounce back, but not this last time.  I have never known a dog so strong.  She wanted nothing more in life but to just be by my side.   I miss her dearly not sitting near my feat as I write this.  It is tough to choke back the tears. 

There is so very much love for Sam and her sister Taz, who is now our only Corgi.  We will continue this love and admiration for Taz, for her, and to keep the memory of her sister close.

Please take some time this evening to sit quietly with your pups.  Dogs make life worth living.  Thank you to everyone who kept in touch with kind words for Sam.  They are appreciated more then you know.  Remember to take pictures and create lasting memories with your pups. 

I will see you again someday little Sam.  I will have plenty of tennis balls to chase and a bag full of treats when we meet again.  Until then, I know you will be watching over everything I do.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Knocked down again... but not for long.

Sam continues to amaze us.  This tough pup continues to be knocked down, but she refuses to stay down for long.

It has been an extremely tough couple of days.  We started noticing Sam favoring her neck again.   She was under very close observation by my wife and I.    Something was just “off” a couple days ago.  Yesterday morning she had another Chemotherapy treatment, a quick injection, and then we returned home.   We gave her a muscle relaxer to help with her neck.
I noticed her being very lethargic early in the afternoon.  I assumed it was from a pain pill and muscle relaxer we gave her.   I asked both Corgis to move into a quite room to sleep.  I then stepped away for three hours for some work commitments.  Then I returned I noticed Sam had severely declined.  She was salivating and miserable.   Late in the afternoon I witnessed her having a Grand Mal seizure.   This was horrifying to watch.  I ran to her, held her carefully, and tried to calm her down.  Her pour heart was racing.  I knew something had to be done.  I reached out to her Oncologist and explained what had happened.  We then witness two more Grand Mal Seizures, one I tried to video to show the doctors.   Later that evening we rushed her back to the ER.  Sleep was not an option last night.   She was rescued from the seizure cycle, and has not had an episode since last night.  THANK YOU God!  Sam has skirted another health issue.

She is currently now recovering back home.  She rested quietly today.  She is very exhausted and worn out from the seizures.  This evening she did perk up another to play briefly with her toys and her sister.   She is back resting quietly now.  Her appetite is back in force, as to be expected post-seizure.  She will be on daily medication indefinitely from this point forward, to control the seizures.  Her Oncologist knows what medication to use, and when to use it.  He is very informed and educated about the latest advancements in medicine.  

Prayers, devotion and love are keeping her going.  Thank you everyone.  We are humbled every day by this simple Corgi, that only wants to be a true friend.

Paws Crossed.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Things are well...

Things are well with Sam.   We were happy to spend time with family and other dogs over Thanksgiving.  Sam is on her final Chemo treatment once a week for three more weeks.  Just a quick shot.  No more 6 hour infusions.   We will do another full biopsy in a few weeks to get some more definite answers.   She seems to be doing extremely well.  Very alert and wanting to please.  She takes her tennis balls back outside every time we venture outside.  This is a good sign.   She never leaves my side.  Even when sleeping, she has to keep one eye on what I am doing.  We are blessed to have both of these Corgis.  They are true friends and companions.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Very happy to announce - Remission accomplished

Hello everyone,
First, thank you to everyone for your continued prayers and good wishes.  We are very happy to announce that Sam has now reached her second full remission.  At the end of last week, her Oncologist attempted to perform a needle aspirate on a lymph node.  But, they were too small to even find.  This is excellent news!  We are very hopefully this remission will last a very long time.  Tough to put a time frame around it, but we do know every day with her, and her sister, is a blessing.

This Corgi has been through quite the battle.  This was a tough round of treatment on her, but she continues to fight and bounce back.  We have had quite the emotional roller coaster with her lately, but she is now back, happy and healthy.  She has one final treatment of a Chemo drug that will be administered over a few weeks.  It is a simple administration compared to what she has been through.  This final administration is a "clean-up" type of drug, to wipe out any cancer cells that are left.

This is the Best Christmas gift we could ask for!!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A neck injury - roller coaster weekend

We had quite the roller coaster weekend.  Sam was experiencing lethargy and wobbling around.  We were very concerned and upset.  We did think that her fight was taking a bad turn.   She was seen by her Onocologist, early Sunday, on his day off.  This man is truly a compassionate vet, a true blessing.  Sam was also seen by the on call neurolgist.  Her diagnosis is  a potential disk issue in her neck.  Nothing related to the lymphoma.  She has been placed on pain, muscle relaxers and steroid medication.  She was not looking good early this morning.  But, the medication does seem to be helping.  She is still very drowsy, but does seems to be a little more alert.   We have returned home with her and she is now resting quietly.  She still has trouble standing, especially on the wood floors.  We have assembled her a comfortable bed with soft blankets.  She is eating and drinking some water.  Which is good.  She will need to remain calm for the immediate future.

 A true diagnosis for the neck injury would require an MRI.  This would require sedation.  Something we are not comfortable doing.  She has been through enough.

This dog never stops amazing me.  She is incredible with her continued fight.  She has been through a septic episode a few years ago.  Currently being treated Chemo for  lymphoma.   And now, a neck injury she needs to recover from.
Our friends and family continued prayers have helped.  Thank you for them.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Potential Seizure

Looking for some prayers.
We feel Sam had a seizure last night.   We have been monitoring her all day.  She is pretty lethargic and unmotivated.  We are taking her to her treatment center for observation and some treatment medication.  They will monitor her overnight.   We can get through this if we can get the seizure episodes under control.  Which may mean medication daily.  Something that does not harm her liver.
We are very sad to see her in this condition.  This poor dog has been through so very much, but keeps going.
Thank you everyone in advance for your prayers.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Treatment finish line in sight.

Sam had another treatment yesterday.  This time it was fairly quick.  I worked in an office while she was being treated, then drove her back home.  We did stop for her favorite Chik-fil-a grilled chicken nuggets.  We saved a few to share with her sister Taz once home.
Sam is definitely becoming very uneasy when she goes for treatment.  She will hide under a chair and attempt to make herself invisible.   The Oncologist is very compassionate and will sit right with her during treatment.   This round was fairly expensive and wasteful with regards to unused Chemo product.  It is what it is.  Sam is putting on some weight again, she has gained almost two pounds since we started her second round of Chemo treatments.  This is good.... It means her body is winning the fight and not succumbing to the cancer.  Her attitude is great.  She is bitchy towards her sister, which is good to see.  It means she is alert and not feeling bad.

Sam did puke a bit this AM, not long after eating her food.  We gave he an additional anti-nausea pill that we keep around during the Chemo treatments.  We usually see the worst side effects a few days after the treatment.  She seems to be doing fine now.

Nest week, the last in the series of round two treatments.

Go Sam Go!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Just returned from another bi-weekly treatment

I have just returned back home with Sam.  She had the 8 hour infusion today.   We left early this morning, 530 AM, to arrive at the hospital before 7AM.  As usual, Sam was very hesitant to go into the back, where she is administered her Chemo.  She attempts to hide under my chair, which is sad to see.  The doctors are as compassionate as they can be with her.

Today, I did take her sister Taz with me. Taz stayed with me today as I worked from my step-fathers house.  Always good to have the comfort of a Corgi around while working.

Good discussion with the Oncologist today... he really feels the treatment is working.  But we are both only cautiously optimistic.  With Lymphoma, the status can change in a hurry.  We will assess in 6 weeks, three more treatments.  AT that time we may pause and let her body take a Chemo break. We will address soon.

We did also take a few moments to view Sam's belly with the ultrasound machine.   The liver and bladder all look good.  It is neat to see.  Had for me to decipher, but I was given a crash course.  Which I appreciated.

I did mention that I read a story about another dog that had just passed.  The dog lived with Lymphoma out four years.  Then, passed on, but from Pneumonia, not Lymphoma.  I hope we are this lucky.  Sam is very much a fighter.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

OK after treatment today

Sam had another treatment today.  Our day started out with an early morning drive north to her treating Oncologist.  Sam road on my lap the entire way.  She received a Corgi massage the entire way.   I really think she knows where we are going, and what is going to happen.   I think she pretty much just deals with the IV insertion anymore.  It makes me sad that she may think this is just part of life.  I wish I could tell her that we are trying to make her better and extend her life.  We have a few more treatments to go and then we will have to make some decisions.  We may do another medical biopsy to see if she has truly made it into remission this time.  This can be done with minimal surgical effort right behind the rear knee.  We will also have to decide what path we then take with additional treatment.  The total cost is really starting to add up.  I never thought I would say this, but we need to touch base with reality at some point.

The good thing now is Sam is happy.  She is eating better and gaining some weight.  We are supplementing her home cooked food with come high calorie canned food that is gentle on her GI tract.   She did pick up a pound over the past week.  Which is good.  She is still not back to her portly corgi self, and we are not sure if she every will be, but she does seems happy.  Always easy to tell when she proudly leads me to the grass every morning, with her tennis ball held high in her month. Yes, she has me trained very well.

We are moving into the seventh month since her initial diagnosis in March 2014.  I am hopeful for 10 times that seven month count!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bouncing back - thank you for the prayers

Hello everyone.
Sam is recovering very quickly from her most recent Chemo complication.   Her stomach seems to be feeling much better.  No more puking as a Chemo side effect.  It is very tough to think about how she is feeling... and wishing there is something we could do to comfort her.  Sam never ceases to amaze me in her relentless fight to keep going.  She is still on some pretty bland food, and will be for the next few days.  Then, back to our home-cooked daily meals for her.  I really feel cooking her food is helping her keep going strong.

This AM she was charging around the house, chasing her sister Taz.  Bossing everyone around.  This is the behavior we love to see.  A true stubborn Corgi.

Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers.  We are hopeful that she will return to a remission state in under two months.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Post treatment complications

It was a long weekend with Sam.  She had another round of Chemo last Thursday.  We were informed that this Chemo would work on her GI tract.   We were also informed that this would happen a few days after treatment.   By Saturday night, she was puking and miserable.  She seemed to perk back up on Sunday, eating some soft canned food.  I slept on the floor next to her both nights, just monitoring her.  Listening to her heavy breathing and stirring around as she was uncomfortable.  By today, Monday AM, I needed to drive her to see her doctor.  It is an hour drive one way and Sam did not really enjoy the drive.  She will be staying with the Vet today on supportive IV and additional anti-nausea medication.  We are hopefully she will bounce back.  It is so very troublesome and sad to see Sam feel bad.  When she did not want to eat or drink early this AM, we knew something was wrong.  I will head back up this evening to pick her up.  I am hoping for updates throughout the day.   I am going to make a valiant attempt to stay positive and keep churning on my work products.   Knowing in my mind that our dog is not feeling well.  It will be a challenging day, but we should get through it.  Cancer, of any kind, just plan sucks.  I am not sure what is worse, the disease or the treatment.  Her Vet is positive that she will bounce back.  Just hard to digest for me personally.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Positive news from a blood test

We took Sam late on Friday to see her Veterinary Oncologist... this time for just a quick blood test.  We have been very concerned about her liver values from the months of treatment.  She has now been removed from any treatments that will harm her liver.   We are also giving her additional medication to help her liver hopefully heal a bit.  The test did show that some of the liver markers are coming back down, which is a very good thing.
She is doing exceptionally well.  We hung out all weekend, taking many walks, and worked in the yard.  She seems very happy.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Saturday - tough treatment

Sam had an 8 hour IV infusion treatment this past Saturday.  A treatment that works against the bone marrow.   It was tough for me to leave her that long.  The new Veterinary Oncologist does seem to be very passionate about helping Sam.  We did do substantial blood work before the start of the treatment.  Her liver levels are very high.  Some of the previous Chemo drugs pushed her liver to troublesome levels.  She will no longer be having and Chemo that will harm her liver.  She is also on medication to help  her liver heal.

The drive home on Saturday afternoon was tough.  Sam was uncomfortable.  She seemed agitated and did not enjoy the car ride.  She sat on my lap the entire way home, but kept moving around.  This is a new experience for Leslie and I as the treatment is now more intense.  She was given some anti-nausea medication to help with the Chemo administration side affects.  Once we arrived home she greeted her sister and played on the grass.  She was a bit wobbly but OK.   She finally relaxed and fell asleep late Saturday night.  Both Leslie and I check on her often in the night.

By Sunday morning she seemed to be getting her normal attitude.  Happy, eating, chewing on bones, and bossing around her sister.  We are hopefully this new treatment protocol will drive the Lymphoma back into remission, this time for a longer time.  Paws crossed!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Modified the rescue treatment

We have moved Sam to be under the direct care of a Veterinary Oncologist.  Much longer drive, but we feel it is worth it for Sam.   We wanted to make sure all the options were being explored.  She had a heavy dose of Chemo yesterday, an IV infusion, complete with a catheter, for 5 hours.  She took everything in stride, like she always does.  This. dog never ceases to amaze me.  I welled up again with tears when I had to leave her for the day.  She senses that she will be treated, poked and prodded.  And, she hates to leave my side.  She was somewhat groggy on the return trip home yesterday evening.  Once we arrived home, and her sister engaged with her, she was back to her normal Corgi self.

This treatment will go for 8 weeks, alternating medications every 2 weeks.  Our goal is to kick the cancer back into remission.  We are hoping for the best for this special Corgi.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

3 week treatment schedule - working

Sam is doing very well on her rescue Chemo medication.  She has a treatment every three weeks now. Another round tomorrow.  It is an easier treatment for her as only an oral pill is administered.  But, she is still on the Prednisone, and the combo of both is definitely making her belly swollen.  It does not seem to be slowing her down much although, she still Fraps in the grass after the tennis balls and follows my every move when I am home.
We are Sam's diet to be 100% cooked food by Leslie and I.  We are also working with another vet, who has some Eastern medicine experience.  He has provided a diet, and some Chinese herbs for her to take. We think they are helping.  Sam also had some Acupuncture a couple weeks ago.  She did fine with it.  She did not even notice.
As I have said before, Sam will be afforded every single opportunity to fight her cancer.  I love seeing how good she is doing and how alert she always is.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Grand Lake swimming adventure

We had the opportunity to try out some new Corgi life vests.  They were not that enthused with the experience.  In their defense, the lake was pretty cold.  I will be taking them to a warmer lake soon for round two.

Sam was quite the trooper.  The same week as her relapse, and subsequent Chemo drug modification, she still enjoyed the trip.  She had her new treatment the day we drove up.  I was concerned she may get sick.  But, not once.  She sat on my lap all the way there.  

rfsonders's GrandLakeCorgiFun album on Photobucket

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pretty surreal this evening.

It has been a pretty surreal evening for Leslie and I.  We had a consultation with the Vet late this afternoon.   We will be switching Sam to a "rescue" protocol treatment.  A combo of L-asparaginase, lomustine, and prednisone.  This is an additional University of Wisconsin protocol.  We are hoping for the best we can get here with additional months with Sam.  She is back to grunting again.  Maybe there is some internal congestion caused by the cancer.  We do not know.   Back, in March, I was hopefully for a couple years, now, reality has set in.  Those years may very well be months.  Although I am hoping for many many months.
It is very interesting to think about this situation.  Sam is acting normal, eating, playing with her tennis balls, and bossing around her sister. But, she is quickly being overcome with cancer.  Very surreal.  Both Leslie and I know that we need to be positive for Sam.  That is what she would want if she could tell us.  This is something I just know.

We are looking forward to a weekend in the mountains with the Corgis.  Some swimming adventures await!

Prayers needed - Sam has relapsed

Hello everyone.
Asking for some Corgi prayers.  Sam has experienced a relapse.  We are very sad but hopefully that some modifications in treatment will help.  Keep her in your prayers.  Much appreciated!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Life vests for the weekend

I took Sam for lunch today.  We stopped at her favorite place, Chick-fil-a.  She had some grilled chicken while we sat outside.  I then took the rest of my lunch break to pick up a couple life vests for the Corgis.  We will be headed up to the mountains this weekend.  I plan on making some Corgi memories with them swimming in the lake.  I am not quite sure how this will all play out.  Taz will more then likely not have anything to do with the swimming.  I do hope Sam enjoys it.  We are trying to give them as many new and exciting experiences as we can.  Videos to follow next week.

I am a little worried about Sam and her Lymph node growth that "might" be returning.   Her left lymph node on her neck seems a little swollen today.  Good thing she is headed back for her two week treatment tomorrow.  More to come there.

In the meantime... I am looking forward to the evening hours to take them both for a nice long summer time walk.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Storms last night - kept the Corgis close

We experienced some pretty heavy storms last night.  I was up working late, the thunder was rolling, and both Corgis were huddled at my feet.  They absolutely hate the thunder.  I tried to take them outside last night to help them understand it is OK, but they both wanted nothing to do with it.  They went out, stood outside for a brief moment, heard a thunder clap, and bolted back to the door.  We still had thunder well past midnight, so, the Corgis decided to camp out in the bedroom.  Instead of their crates.

Sam is doing well this week.  This week is her "off" week from treatment.  She seems a bit thin, but her weight on the scale is constant. We have her on a high protein, almost no carb diet.  From what we have read, the carbs feed the cancer.  Obviously something we do not want.

Well, time for me to take them out to the grass for some fetch.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sam and the tennis balls

It never ceases to amaze me that Sam always wants to play with her tennis balls.  Even immediately after returning home from her Chemo therapy treatment.  She keeps the tennis balls strategically located within the house.  When a request to go outside is heard, she promptly runs around the house to find the nearest tennis ball.  She absolutely loves to take them outside.  Wanting to go to the grass so I can throw them.  I have a standing order within my Amazon account for more Kong brand tennis balls.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

On the two week schedule now.

Sam is now on the  two week Chemo treatment schedule.  Using the 25 week University of Wisconsin Canine Lymphoma protocol.

I am not sure why,  but today's treatment got to me emotionally.  I was a bit upset up both when dropping her off and picking her up.  I had to take my lunch break to go pick her up.  As working from home is somewhat empty if Sam is not sitting at my feet.   Sam jumped up to the front seat on the way home to sit on my lap.  She likes to do this on long trips.  Not sure why she did this today.  She is sitting here now just staring at me while I type.  She just finished her post treatment chick-fil-a grilled chicken.  Which has become her standard ritual.  Tough to think today that I measure her time left in months, instead of many years.  Both the Corgis are such special dogs.   I truly treasure every single moment I have with them.  

The weather cooperated this past weekend to give Sam a bath outside.  She has not had one since her diagnosis.  I am still working on the daily brushings now to get rid of the winter Corgi coat.  She looks a bit thinner, but that is just from her winter coat loss.  He weight is still steady.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sam is officially in remission !!!

Well, it is official.  I picked up Sam late this afternoon and had a moment to chat with Dr Landry.  He stated that she is now officially in remission!  How cool is that?  She still has many more weeks of Chemo, but, she is now on a two week cycle.  She had a tough treatment today, but she seems to be doing well.  Sleeping now.  She did come home and immediately go and find her favorite tennis ball.  Then, proceeded to lead me outside to the grass.  The dog walks with so much pride.  Even a couple hours after her Chemo treatment.

Thank you to everyone who has kept her in her thoughts and prayers.
Always remember... A dog is only part of a humans life, but for the dog, the human is the dogs entire life.  Make it the best life a pup could possibly have!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Three month note

It has been just about three months since the evening Leslie and I noticed the enlarged lymph nodes on Sam.  Time does fly.  Personally, I have gone through a myriad of emotions with the initial diagnosis and subsequent treatment.  We are Absolutely Blessed that we get to spend all the time we can with her.  As I have said before, this Corgi is my shadow.  She is sitting here right now, on her bed, enjoying a cool breeze from the open window.  Truly a dogs life!

Her treatments will continue again next week.  For many more weeks to come.  We were delayed again this week due to negatively reflective blood work.  Which is fine.  Sometimes it does take longer then a week to recover from the Chemo.  We could not be happier with her progress.  We are hopefully that she will be declared officially in remission very soon.

Sam has taken up the new idea that she needs to bring a toy outside with her every time we venture out.  I have ordered more pup tennis balls to help her in her quest.  She holds her Corgi head up high, prancing outside with her toy in her mouth...leading me to the grass to toss the ball across the yard.  Neat to see how proud she is.  She like to let everyone know that she is the boss.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

God and Dog poem

Another beautiful poem from one of my associates.

God and Dog
Wendy Francisco

I look up and I see God
I look down and see my Dog
Simple spelling… G-O-D
Same word backwards, D-O-G
They would stay with me all day.
I’m the one
Who walks away.
But both of them just wait for me…
And dance at my return with glee.
Both love me…no matter what.
And canine mutt
I take it hard each time I fail.
But God forgives,
Dog wags his tail
God thought up and made the dog
Dog reflects a part of God
I’ve seen Love from both sides now
It’s everywhere
Amen… Bow-wow.
I look up and I see God
I look down and see my Dog
And in my human frailty…

I can’t match their love for me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Next round of treatment continues

Sam has completed her scheduled treatments over the past couple weeks.  She had another treatment today.  One more next week and then Dr Landry has mentioned that we can officially say that Sam is in remission.   How cool is that!!!  The treatment pattern, after next week, will then fall into once every other week.

We had our usual ritual of a Chick-fil-a stop today, post Chemo treatment.  She absolutely loves the grilled chicken nuggets.  It is funny, the drive through employee usually asks if I would like a dog treat for my dog, waiting patiently in the back seat.  I tell them, no thank you... that is what I purchased the chicken for.  They usually look at me kind of odd.  I don't take the time to tell the employee that she is working through a cancer treatment.  She gets whatever she wants.
Sam was a bit grouchy from the IV port today.  The facility had to wrap up her leg before we left.  But, as I settled in at the home office to start my evening work, I noticed Sam had pretty much unwrapped the bandage by herself.  Tough to do without thumbs and only teeth.  Grin. Smart Corgi.

Our morning and afternoon walks are beautiful now that the weather is finally into a summer pattern.  In our rural home location we now have to watch for snakes.  Sam especially likes to venture into the ditches. While Taz prefers to stay out of the mud and on the gravel our asphalt.  Sam is more of the "Tom Boy" female Corgi.

I have just ordered another 12 pack of the Kong squeaker tennis balls.  They should be here in a few days.  We can never have enough of those... they tend to end up under couches and beds.  Both the Corgi's absolutely love them.  Sam is especially proud of them when she chases them down.   She loves to prance up the driveway, carrying the tennis ball.   Squeaking them occasionally with her jaw as if to communicate in some sort of code.  Grin   Proving that she is the boss of all things tennis ball related.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sam - Enjoying a week off.

We have a week break from the Chemo treatments.  Sam is doing very well.  She is down to only 5mg of Prednisone.  Which has greatly reduced her urge to pee.  We are switching both Corgis over to a more raw food diet.  It seems to me Sam is putting on a couple pounds.  Good for her.  She can eat all she wants within the confines of still being a fit Corgi.  Sam can be pretty lazy.  She will chase the ball a few times, then basically just sit down.  She is too smart.

I have been trying to teach both the Corgis some new tricks to keep especially Sam's mind stimulated.  Leslie and I have read that it is good to keep them interested while they are going through the Cancer treatments.  We also have an interesting toy that treats are placed into.  There is a way to get them out, and Sam makes a valiant attempt.  But in the end, I have to lend my "thumbs" to help her retrieve the treat.  Taz is not that interested with the treat filled toy... She would rather just be given the treats.  so, with her... she gets what she wants.  As always.  Grin.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Treatment this AM - tough to drop her off.

I dropped off Sam early this AM on my way to work.  She seemed sad this AM, which was troubling.  She was staring at me from the backseat.  I think she is finally understanding where she goes early in the AM... when she does not get to have her breakfast.   I invited her to jump on to my lap in the front seat.  She promptly jumped up to sit on my lap.  I feel this made her feel better and gave her some comfort.  She loves to calmly sit on my lap while I am driving.  Even though a long Corgi body can take some front seat maneuvering.  Nice white shirt and dress pants...a little dog hair... not a problem for me.  All for the love of the dog. Grin.

Once at the animal hospital, she was somewhat reluctant to be led to the back room, where she will receive treatment and rest until I return later this afternoon.  She kept looking back to me...wondering if I was coming with her.  Mad me pretty sad this AM.  I am looking forward to Dr. Landry's call this AM.  He will always call me as soon as her tests and treatment is done.  Which is comforting.

This is final round of the first four Chemo administration.  She will hopefully now be removed from the Prednisone.  She will then have a week off, if all goes according to the protocol.  Then, she will start the cycle again of the four Chemo drugs, but a somewhat lesser dose.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Need to wait a couple more days

I took Sam in early Friday AM for her next Chemo treatment.   Dr Landry found that her red blood cell count was low.  We will have to wait until next Tuesday for the next treatment.  At this time, we will also hopefully be able to discontinue the Prednisone.  Which has already been reduced to 10mg.  Which is good as Sam does not drink and have to pee as much anymore.
All things considered, Sam is still happy and healthy.  She hug out with me yesterday in the yard, as I tended to my usual summer Saturday property activities.  She has always been a great supervisor.  Always making sure she can always see me... to monitor what I am doing.  Grin.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Finally, the next treatment is today

We have had to delay Sam's Chemo treatments over the past 10 days.  Her white blood cell counts were low.  I took her to the Vet this AM.  He tested he blood and found her counts back to normal.  Finally, the next treatment was administered this AM.  I will go pick her up later today.
I received a call earlier that the treatment went ok, but she had some puking afterwards.  Makes me sad.  We need to monitor her even closer on the morning of treatment.  She is not allowed to have any food.  I think she found some rabbit poop early in the AM to substitute for the breakfast kibble.

I did have the opportunity yesterday evening to catch Sam on the fresh spring grass.  She loves to scratch her back on the lawn.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Back home from day 2

We are back home from day 2 treatment.
It absolutely amazes me how resilient Sam is.  How wish more people could witness first had how tough this pup is.  She is back home, and happy, chewing on a bone with her sister.  Following me everywhere around the house.  Wanting to make sure she is always there to please me with her Corgi smile.  She is panting quite a bit from the medication again.  She had a very heavy does today.

I did found out today that the Chemo medication has tripled in price.  We can thank Obama Care for causing all companies to raise rates.  Making it harder and harder to even find the cancer treatment medication and driving up prices.  Sad... just damn sad.  I am not going to make this a political rant... as I would take my Corgis as faithful friends and companions over any crook in our nations capital.
Rob... Off soapbox.

Tough treatment today

We brought Sam to the hospital early this AM.  She will be receiving her second Chemo treatment today.  We have been informed that this round will be tough.  She will be receiving IV fluids all day, and the Chemo administered later in the day.  Then, I will pick her up this evening.  This round is especially tough on the bladder cells.  We could experience blood in her urine.  Which is part of what can happen with this administration.  The Chemo attacks the cells in  the bladder.  Attempting to kill them off.  It is my understanding that bladder cells also regenerate fast, which is what may cause the blood.

I am pretty sad for her today.  Making it somewhat tough to concentrate, but I am getting through the day as best I can.  I find comfort that she is in good hands.  Her sister Taz is here in the house.  Usually parked under a coffee table as a make-shift dog house.  She likes to hide out most days.  Taz has received more then her share of hugs today.  Not that there is ever a limit on the amount of hugs a person can give a Corgi. Grin.
Sams day bed is here beside my desk... with no Sam to make use of it.

Hopefully I get a call to come pick up Sam, sooner then later.  I think I will leave Taz at home when I go to get Sam.  Taz is usually the Corgi that like to get everyone all riled up.  Sam will need some quiet.
Leslie and I will be taking turns all night taking her outside for a potty.  We will be monitoring her close over the next few days and nights.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Short delay in treatment

We had to delay Sam's next Chemo treatment for a couple days, due to an office scheduling conflict.  Her next treatment will be tomorrow, Monday.  She will be receiving IV fluid all day, then administered the Chemo.  I will drop her off very early in the AM, and pick her up in the late afternoon.  I am blessed to be able to work from home during this treatment cycle.  This way, I can closely monitor her after her Chemo treatment rounds.  We are also very blessed to have an awesome pet sitter available.  She is truly a God send.

The weather is starting to warm up a bit.  Sam has been spending more time with me outside.  She like to just sit and observe what I am doing on the property.  Taz, her sister,  prefers the climate controlled environment of the inside of the house.  Their winter coats are starting to shed.  It will be time to give them both a long overdue bath.  Hopefully here in a couple weeks.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sam is feeling well

We have been monitoring Sam closely.   She is doing well from her first Chemo treatment.   Going on short walks with her sister.  She is back prancing around on her walks.  Informing me, in her own way, that she is very happy to be walking with me.  Yesterday evening Sam sat on the driveway while I worked in the yard.  Perfectly happy to be outside with me.   She still has to potty many times during the day due to her ongoing steroid treatment.  This will go on for a few more weeks.  Her eating habits are good, which is nice to see because Sam was never shy about eating.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Back home from day 1 treatment

We are back home.  The first round of Chemo has been administered.  As always, Dr Landry was in constant contact with me.  Gives me some piece.  He informed me that everything went well.  She also had her stitches removed from the previous biopsy.   She was given her breakfast after the administration of Chemo, and I was informed she gobbled it right up.  As per usual for this Corgi.

When we arrived home her sister Taz meet us at the door.  They exchanged "smells" then Taz promptly tried to get her to play.  Sam was not that interested.
She is resting quietly here at home now.  Following me around from time to time.  Not as much as she used to.  She seems a bit groggy.  Which was to be expected.  Her eyes are watery, but she is alert, as always, to any movement I make.

The next few weeks will bring additional heavy doses of Chemo as I have been informed.  Then, the dosage level is pulled back.  Her blood levels are checked every week.  Which is good.

Sam was alert enough on the ride home to catch some smells out the window.  And her sister, is firmly caught in the grasp of the Sun tractor beam.  The life a Corgi....

Treatment starts today

We are up early this AM.  I am working and sitting with the Corgis.  Sam could not have breakfast this AM, due to her treatment, that could cause nausea.  Sam is expressing her disapproval regarding not having breakfast.  Staring at me as if to say... "hey dad, you forgot to give me my more food".  We do have her breakfast in a bag that we will leave with the Doctor.    We have noticed a lump returning on her right shoulder.  This is sad to see, but expected I assume as the prednisone was only a temporary treatment.  Good that the treatment is starting today.

She will have a couple different IV Chemo treatments today.   She will stay with the Doctor all day.  He will be monitoring her.  This will be the pattern for many weeks.  I am happy this is being done on a Friday, to give Leslie and I the ability to monitor her through the weekend.  I am hoping she has minimal side effects.  I hate like hell to see this Corgi feeling bad.  As I mentioned earlier, she has had some rough medical times.  But, she always bounces back.  I hope with this round, she bounces back again.

We will be dropping Sam off shortly.  I am expecting this to be tough emotionally for me.  Tough to drop a pup off to then be administered a toxic substance that will make her feel poorly.  I have to keep my focus on a positive outcome in many weeks.  But right now, I feel very sorry for Sam.

I am immensely looking forward to picking her up later this afternoon.   After speaking with the Doctor yesterday afternoon, I felt comfort that he will be monitoring her closely.  Good guy, I am glad he stays in constant communication.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Some promising news

We received news from Dr Landry that Sam the Corgi's immunohistochemistry came back consistent with a B-Cell Lymphoma.  Typically carries a better prognosis and response to therapy.  This news provides Leslie and I some hope that we can be blessed with the company of Sam as long as we possibly can.

Our emotions have now shifted a bit to the fight for Sam.  We are keeping our spirits up, knowing She will be well cared for, and will have the best shot we can give her at extending her life.  Who knows... only time will tell.  

In a couple more days I will drop her off for her first Chemo treatment.  The Hospital actually had a tough time finding the specific Chemo.  I did not realize there was such a shortage.  Good team there though... they are on top of scheduling the process out.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Ready to start the fight

We have had some good meetings with Dr Landry over the past few days.  He has laid out some options.  We have decided to commit to the proven University of Wisconsin protocol.  It is proven, and I personally would like to give Sam the best fighting chance, and every opportunity to extend her life that we can provide.  There are some other options at CSU, that we may also consider in conjunction with the confirmed treatment.

The treatments will start next week.  Surprisingly, dogs deal with chemo treatment much better than humans do.  I will be taking her once a week, for 25 weeks, for the IV chemo administration.  She will then have a better than 90% chance of going into remission.   The cancer will return, conservative estimates say a year and we will fight again, but I will gladly accept the additional time to spend with her.

Treasure every moment with your pups!  They are a gift.

I am catching up on some work product today and Sam is right here, as per usual, by my side.  Relaxing on her Las Vegas style, Corgi day bed.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Meeting today

Later today, Leslie and I will meet with the Doctor to go over the treatment plan.  We are both looking forward to having a myriad of questions, that we have , answered.  The Doctor has graciously allotted a good amount of time to spend with us.  The treatment will start next week, or maybe sooner, depending on the Doctors recommendation.
We will be taking both Sam and Taz, just to visit the hospital.  Good to bring them, and not have any poking done.

Sam was very playful last night, and again early this AM.  The current medication has very much helped her.  Her spirits are better, and she looks somewhat more slender.  It really is crazy how fast this happened.
Here is a photo of Sam this AM, she finally has figured out the fine art of toy management.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


We received the news yesterday that Sam does indeed have canine lymphoma.
We will be treating her, under the care of Dr Landry, with the University of Wisconsin protocol.

The treatment will start next week.  We are hopefully this will extend her life out more than a year.
Paws Crossed!
Administration will be IV, I will bring her to the office once a week.  It is sad that she will again be a pincushion, this Corgi has been to hell and back.  More than her share of times.

We will additionally be using a fair amount of natural and alternative options.  Mostly centered around diet.  Leslie is continuing research there.  We have already begun to switch both the Corgis to a 100% raw diet.  There are very good options for frozen raw food now available.  As more and more people realize this is important.

I have heard from some friends that they are not sure if they would actually treat Sam, basically due to the cost.  This comment is incomprehensible to me.  It is not a question in my mind.  One look at Sam, sitting at my feet, staring at me from a few feet away, playing happily still with her sister proudly carrying her toys back to me, and basically never ever leaving my side... well, therein lies your answer.  These are the best dogs, and purest friends a man could Ever ask for.  I am obviously partial to Corgis, but pure dogs lovers can unite around my thinking.  They are family.  Plain and simple.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

News should arrive today

We are hopefully that today we will learn the results of the biopsy.  It makes it somewhat hard to concentrate on work product, but I am doing my best.  Both the pups are doing well this AM.  Last night was a better night.  We took the water away late in the evening.  Sam seemed to sleep better as she was not wandering out to find water all night.   I rolled her over this AM to look at her wounds on her belly, they are healing nicely.  I am looking forward to having her stitches and staples removed next week.  They have to be itchy for her.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Long night

It was a long night for Sam last night.  The medication she is on now causes her to drink more water, then the need to potty more.  I took her out at 11PM, then again at 3AM.  But, in between that time she had an accident on the kitchen floor.  Sad, I can tell she feels bad about having the accident, and no scolding was done.  I cleaned up the lake of pee, then took her outside.  She promptly had another potty.

Her breathing last night was shallow and short.  I layed on the floor next to her for about an hour. Eventually, her breathing calmed back down.  I was worried.

Time to start working.  Sam is already parked here by my side.  Sleeping quietly.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


We have just returned back from a good long walk.  Plenty of new spring time spells to be found this AM.  Today, the swollen lymph nodes across her body have gone down a bit further.  She is drinking a ton of water.  As we were informed from the doctor that she would do.  Leslie and I are taking turns getting up in the night to go out for a potty.  As we live in the country, especially at night, it is best to have a supervised potty break, as the coyotes are always around.   Baby wipes are coming in handy to clean Sams back side.  She has a bit of loose stool from the medication.   I try to keep her backside as clean as I can.   I can tell she is upset, and wants to keep her dignity, when she has a dirty back side.  She will stand still and wait for me to clean her.  Then she is happy.

This is the same Corgi, that a few years ago, we almost lost as she went into septic shock.  Due to a complete lack of knowledge and treatment from a former Vet clinic.  Which will remain nameless... but I still harbor extreme harsh words for.  Let's just leave it at that.  Needless to say, Sam the Corgi has been through alot in her short 7 years of life.  But, she keeps on frapping away as a playful Corgi.  This fight will be no different, as she is extremely tough and stoic, as most Corgis are.

I try to make sure every car or truck ride is not always to the vet for poking and probing.  Something as simple as a trip to Home Depot, to walk down the aisles with her sister, greeting fellow dog lovers along the way.  Then drive back home, I feel is therapeutic.  Both for her and I!  It is funny for me to observe sometimes, as I take the Corgis out to walk in public places.  Even the Corgis, can sense if a person is a dog lover or not.  The Corgis will walk right on by if they sense the person is to much of a loser to even acknowledge their existence.  Good Corgis!  Because I will not acknowledge that person's existence either.

I am attempting to come to grips with what very well may be the diagnosis.  We will know in a few days.  I did have another good friend, and Corgi lover, advise me to keep a level head.  Not jump to conclusions to fast.  As the dogs can sense this.  I get this.  That is our plan.
A photo of Sam this AM.  Home from the walk and ready to file a "flight plan".  Standard Corgi rest position, with the hind legs kicked back.