Monday, November 17, 2014

Very happy to announce - Remission accomplished

Hello everyone,
First, thank you to everyone for your continued prayers and good wishes.  We are very happy to announce that Sam has now reached her second full remission.  At the end of last week, her Oncologist attempted to perform a needle aspirate on a lymph node.  But, they were too small to even find.  This is excellent news!  We are very hopefully this remission will last a very long time.  Tough to put a time frame around it, but we do know every day with her, and her sister, is a blessing.

This Corgi has been through quite the battle.  This was a tough round of treatment on her, but she continues to fight and bounce back.  We have had quite the emotional roller coaster with her lately, but she is now back, happy and healthy.  She has one final treatment of a Chemo drug that will be administered over a few weeks.  It is a simple administration compared to what she has been through.  This final administration is a "clean-up" type of drug, to wipe out any cancer cells that are left.

This is the Best Christmas gift we could ask for!!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A neck injury - roller coaster weekend

We had quite the roller coaster weekend.  Sam was experiencing lethargy and wobbling around.  We were very concerned and upset.  We did think that her fight was taking a bad turn.   She was seen by her Onocologist, early Sunday, on his day off.  This man is truly a compassionate vet, a true blessing.  Sam was also seen by the on call neurolgist.  Her diagnosis is  a potential disk issue in her neck.  Nothing related to the lymphoma.  She has been placed on pain, muscle relaxers and steroid medication.  She was not looking good early this morning.  But, the medication does seem to be helping.  She is still very drowsy, but does seems to be a little more alert.   We have returned home with her and she is now resting quietly.  She still has trouble standing, especially on the wood floors.  We have assembled her a comfortable bed with soft blankets.  She is eating and drinking some water.  Which is good.  She will need to remain calm for the immediate future.

 A true diagnosis for the neck injury would require an MRI.  This would require sedation.  Something we are not comfortable doing.  She has been through enough.

This dog never stops amazing me.  She is incredible with her continued fight.  She has been through a septic episode a few years ago.  Currently being treated Chemo for  lymphoma.   And now, a neck injury she needs to recover from.
Our friends and family continued prayers have helped.  Thank you for them.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Potential Seizure

Looking for some prayers.
We feel Sam had a seizure last night.   We have been monitoring her all day.  She is pretty lethargic and unmotivated.  We are taking her to her treatment center for observation and some treatment medication.  They will monitor her overnight.   We can get through this if we can get the seizure episodes under control.  Which may mean medication daily.  Something that does not harm her liver.
We are very sad to see her in this condition.  This poor dog has been through so very much, but keeps going.
Thank you everyone in advance for your prayers.